Overcoming Key Structural Barriers to Equitable Global Health Clinical Education Exchanges

Satellite ID: SA21
Satellite Organizer: CUGH Working Group on Equitable Opportunities in Clinical Education

Date: March 7th, 2024

Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Room: San Fernando

This Satellite Session will function as the launch event for the CUGH Working Group on Equitable Opportunities in Clinical Education, a newly established, interdisciplinary initiative that targets improving bidirectionality in global health partnerships in professions that have clinical dimensions. The Working Group aims to address the federal, state, and institutional barriers that severely restrict opportunities for international clinicians visiting U.S. institutions for focused clinical education. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the goals and projects proposed under the Working Group; to learn about advocacy efforts that currently exist in this space; to hear from thought leaders about potential solution areas; and to provide feedback on and contribute to the strategy and agenda development of the Working Group.