WomenLift Health

Satellite ID: SA25
Satellite Organizer: WomenLift Health

Date: March 7th, 2024

Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Room: Los Ceritos

Come to this session to learn about WomenLift Health, a transformational Gates-funded leadership program that mid-career women in global health are eligible to apply for. A description of its signature Leadership Journey program will be provided by leadership and alumnae in this session co-hosted by the Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health (CIGH) and WomenLift Health. WomenLift Health was incubated at Stanford CIGH and is now an independent organization.

WomenLift Health is focused on expanding the power and influence of talented women in global health and catalyzing systemic change to achieve gender equality in leadership. It operates at three levels—for the individual, by investing in the leadership development of mid-career women in global public health; at the institutional level by building awareness, sharing learnings, and influencing commitment for change by institutional leaders; and at the societal level by encouraging ownership and action for gender-equal and diverse leadership by champions and partners. WomenLift Health’s signature Leadership Journey is a 12-month learning and development program focused on providing mid- to senior career women working in health the safe space to explore their authentic leadership through vulnerability and reflection; an inclusive and diverse network which fosters a strong sense of belonging; and tools and strategies for enhancing their voice, presence, and influence—all the while being supported by a powerful group of peers, mentors, and coaches. Our Journey serves women leaders in East Africa (Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda), India, and North America  (Canada and US ) and will soon be launching a regional hub in Southern Africa. WomenLift Health’s geographic footprint will continue to expand rapidly over the next decade. When women lead, better health follows.