The Caribbean Versus the Climate Crisis: Challenges and solutions for informing health systems and improving health outcomes in the region

Satellite ID: SA07
Satellite Organizer: American University of Antigua College of Medicine

Date: March 7th, 2024

Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm PST
Room: Palos Verdes

The Caribbean, a network of small island developing states (SIDS), has a unique history, with varied socioeconomic, geographical, and political landscapes. The existential threat that climate change (CC) poses to the world population is well documented but is particularly magnified for SIDS, including the 44.7 million of people in the Caribbean. The region is particularly afflicted with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that cause high morbidity and mortality, drain limited resources, and stifle economic development. Increased environmental temperatures, extreme weather events, and worsening food insecurity born by these and other global political forces are catalysts that worsen health outcomes. 

The Caribbean also has a dearth of health-related research to guide policy. However, this provides an opportunity for the region to embrace tools such as artificial intelligence (AI) to improve health literacy, finetune resource management, reduce healthcare disparities, and predict future healthcare needs to navigate the challenging decade(s) ahead as the world struggles to prevent cataclysmic temperature rise and the extinction of mankind and other species.

Join AUACOM faculty and students as they explore challenges and opportunities of the Caribbean region doing critical, timely research, creating, and implementing informed policies which are flexible enough to address the rapidly changing health landscape.